1 Mar 2014

Hello March...

Hello March, I'm so glad your finally here!

I love March, I think it might even be my favourite month. The 1st always feels like the beginning of Spring to me and I'm happy to be leaving the last couple of months behind! The weather has been just beautiful here today and it certainly feels like the start of a new season!

This was my February from my Instagram, there was:

▲ Collecting beach treasures
▲ Changing around prints in the girls room
▲ A new plate from here
▲ A walk in the woods
▲ At the beach
▲ Making biscuits with my cutters from here
▲ New knobs for Archie's drawers
▲ Us - Hello!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and a wonderful Month! xx


  1. Beautiful collections Caroline x I love your biscuit cutters and the colours of the icing you have used x Happy March to you too x

  2. Absolutely love your collections perfect Happy Spring! x

  3. I always love seeing your collections. My daughter's name starts with E as well, so I loved seeing what you did with your E's.

  4. oh all of this is wonderful Caroline! i too love your collections, i love your nature shots, the looking up shot at trees is gorgeous and that shot of you all is wonderful xxxx

  5. i love the wood and sea glass photos so much! i haven't been to the sea in so long. i love that when the days get longer and the skies are brighter, it's so much easier to feel more productive and positive.

  6. I love the pictures of your beach wondering a and the family photo, really lovely :) safxxx

  7. Gorgeous photos as always Caroline ... the family picture is beautiful ... wishing you a great March ... Bee xx

  8. Lovely family pic! I love your cookie cutters and mountain biscuits.. And I'm a fan of your collections, as always!
    Happy March to you!

  9. Gosh, your cookies are works of art. Love that pic of you and your kids! x

  10. I have cookie envy. I usually go for the "rustic" look and hope for the best. Beautiful, beautiful photos - you have such a good eye for composition. My favourite is the family shot of you and your children, so lovely. x

  11. Hey Caroline,

    I've scrolled through this post umpteen times. I just love how you group like things together. So harmonious and balanced. I am going to totally copy it for future beach finds (obviously I will credit your genius). I love the cookie cutters, especially the mountain. Where did you get them from? I know someone that would love one of those. And simply gorgeous picture of you and your children.

    1. Thanks Leanne! The cutters are from Etsy shop Printmeneer, they have some great ones on there. xx

  12. Gorgeous photos as ever, Caroline. Happy March!
    Sarah x

  13. A lovely little gallery. Roll on Spring, I'm ready for you! Elinor x
