Making Monsters...

28 Oct 2014

The kids are really looking forward Halloween to this year, Elizabeth especially so. She's been talking about it for ages. As soon as Autumn arrived, she got excited because she knew Halloween was around the corner - in her eyes the next celebration between her birthday and Christmas. We went to our first Halloween party last year and I'm guessing that's where the excitement's come from. In previous years they've had costumes, but have just spent it at home, eager to answer the door every time there was a knock, at the anticipation of trick or treaters.

They have both been busy making pictures and Halloween decorations this week, placing them around the house. I thought it would be fun to have a go at creating some Halloween monsters. The kids were so enthusiastic, drawing designs before we started. Elizabeth used her new Moshi Monsters from Argos, as Inspiration. They're still very much her favourite thing at the moment. She spends ages lining them all up in groups and checking which ones she still needs in her Moshi encyclopedia.

To make the monsters, I first covered some tubes and small boxes in coloured paper, ready to decorate. We cut out lots of teeth from white card, and some big eyes with button middles to use alongside the googly ones we had. We then have fun sticking on pipe cleaners, beads, pom poms and lolly sticks.

I just love how they turned out, and it was great to make something the kids could both easily do. Archie often looses interest in crafting, but this held his attention for ages. Plus they're super pleased with the models they made!

I'm not yet sure what we'll actually be doing for Halloween this year. I think I might just do a little tea party for them and a couple of friends. There's so much spooky food Inspiration around on Pinterest at the moment, I might just have to try out a few ideas!

What will you be doing for Halloween?

In association with Argos. 


  1. They're brilliant, you never fail to come up with excellent ideas. CJ xx

  2. I love the four eyed moustachioed monster! How cute is he?

    1. Thank you! Ha, he has a pretty crazy expression doesn't he! x

  3. these are so cute! love the three eyed top hat one.

    1. Thanks Laura, the top hat was my imput - I couldn't resist! xx

  4. Cool monsters. I'm inspired for some rainy day crafting with the littles. X

  5. Love these Caroline! They are so much fun! x
