31 Dec 2014

2014... and a Happy New Year!

Hello! I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was lovely, lots of beach walks, eating far too much (diet starts tomorrow!) Lego building, crafting and telly watching.

I've put together some of my Instagram photos from 2014. I've missed making these little collages at the end of each month. I went a bit quiet on Instagram for a while, and I just didn't have enough pictures to make it worth bothering. I might start again in the New Year, a visual round up of each month.

This morning we've taken down the tree and had a good de-clutter ready for the New Year. I've also been writing lots of plans, goals and lists in my new journal. I do like a bit of list making... and a new notebook.

2015 I'm ready for you!

A big thank you for following along this last year, for all your kind comments and support.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy year ahead! xoxo


  1. I've been writing lots of plans and lists in my new diary too and I love it! I'm ready for 2015 too!!
    Happy New Year Caroline and looking forward to reading more from you in the new year. Oh and I love your collages! Xx

  2. Me again! Have you ever considered selling your photos as postcards or calendars? I'd buy them!!

    1. Aw thank you so much Helene! I have thought about maybe making some little cards or postcards for the shop. I might try and do that this year!

      Happy New Year to you. xxx

  3. Oh I LOVE lists and new notebooks, nothing finer. Beautiful collages Caroline. I'm sending the three of you my very best wishes for a very happy 2015. CJ xx

    1. Thank you so much CJ! And to you too, I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you all. xxx

  4. So much loveliness! All the pretty colours. You are so clever with that camera! Wishing you and the little ones a wonderful New Year. Hope all your wishes come true. Bee xx
