31 Jan 2015


So it's February tomorrow... and its the weekend - yay! It's been a long one this week and I'm so ready for it. We've all been getting over colds here and the kids are pretty worn out and grouchy.

To be honest, as much as I'm glad January is over, it actually went pretty quick and wasn't a bad month. I've been inspired to keep up with my New Year goals, keeping creative, going to new exercise classes (I decided advanced spinning probably wasn't for me!) and enjoying some quiet and slow time too. We've also had some wonderful sunshine filled days, which have felt quite Spring like. We've still not had a speck of snow here, much to the kids disappointment. They are so desperate for a snow day, especially as we missed out on any here last year.

We've spent many of our weekend days at the beach, searching for treasures, and the kids have been enjoying their new scooters at the local skate park. I also spent a lovely day in Brighton meeting up with some Instagram friends for the first time. It was so nice to actually see people in person and have a good natter over coffee.

This weekend we will be: going for a walk somewhere - hopefully in the sunshine, having lazy pyjama mornings, catching up on my project life and getting organised for Elizabeth's little birthday party next week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! xx

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely collage. I thought I might do one this month, so I put aside some photos in a folder. I opened the folder to make the collage last night and found a grand total of three photos. Oh well. No snow here either, it's all my fault, I bought little sledges a couple of years ago and there's been hardly a flake since. I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend. CJ xx
