6 Jan 2015

Lately... and a word

Hello! So the kids went back to school today and the holidays are officially over. Elizabeth wasn't best pleased about it. Its so hard when they're out of routine, I remember those feelings all too well.

I'm feeling a little sad that the festive season is over, but I'm really looking forward to starting a brand new year. A fresh start with adventures to be had and memories to be made. Inspired by other blog's I've been reading, I have decided to choose a word for 2015, to focus on throughout the year. I found it so hard to choose just one. There are so many things I want to achieve this year, so many changes I want to try and make and new things I'd like to learn.

I nearly chose the word 'brave.' My lack of confidence has always, and always is holding me back from doing so many things. This is definitely something I want to work on this year - to step outside my comfort zone and push myself to go new places and do new things.

But my one word is 'create' I have realised lately how important it is to find the time to be creative. To have a project or two on the go, to find some time to do my own thing.

I have lots of DIY's and projects planned and I am also going to start project life. After having a couple of years break from scrapbooking, I feel really quite excited to start again and I think this way of memory keeping will be a much simpler way for me to keep up to date. I'd like to journal more too, to combine my photos with words to tell stories and make sure I am documenting all those everyday moments I'll want to look back on.

I also plan to be a little more creative here, and alongside more DIY projects, I'm hoping to try some new things with my photography and the way I present them. I'm working on a new design for the blog too, so watch this space.

Do you have a 'word' or any goals and plans for the year ahead? x


  1. All sounds very exciting.....can't wait, happy 2015 my lovely! :) xxx

    1. Thanks Ada, Happy New Year to you too. xxx

  2. Have fun - I hope it all goes well for you. x

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do. My kids went back to school today and I had to wake them both to get ready for school. They got used to sleeping a little late over the past two weeks.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Yes same here, plus then having to get ready straight away, while its still dark outside. There have been long lazy pj mornings here! xx

  4. Happy new year! I'm looking forward to seeing all your new projects - sounds like an exciting year ahead for you! x

    1. Happy New Year Col! Thank you, I hope so. xx

  5. I love your photos; they are so simple, deceptively so. Create is a good word for you to choose.

    1. Aw thank you so much, I'm glad you like them! xx

  6. I love 'create'. I considered it too. I just posted with my word 'grow'. I found it so hard to choose just one. Wishing you a wonderful creative year Caroline. I'm excited to see where it takes you. Bee xx

    1. Grow is a great word Bee, it sums up your intentions for the New Year perfectly. Thank you lovely. xx

  7. I do Project Life as well, it's such a good way of remembering the tiny little details of life that would otherwise be forgotten. I was thinking of you the other day, I collected a bag of flamingo feathers from the wildfowl place we go to, and I thought how beautifully you would photograph them. I shall look forward to seeing your new things in photography and following your creativity. Wishing you a fantastic year. CJ xx

    1. Ooh do you, I didn't know that. I've though about starting the last couple of years and just hadn't got around to it. Its something I'm really looking forward to now though. I feel I'm not documenting everything I'd like to remember at the moment and think this will be much easier to keep up with than scrapbooking.
      Thank you, wishing you a wonderful year ahead also. xx

  8. These photos are beautiful - your composition and skill are really obvious so I do hope you feel more confident. I do Project Life / Gratitude since having an accident and struggling to overcome the emotional ramifications and now I love that it is habit. I hope you have a fantastic year. I have made a similar commitment to create more as it provides so much happiness for me too. J9 x

    1. Thank you so much, that's so kind of you to say. It's something I'm really looking forward to, and hoping it will become a habit and that I continue with it. I don't feel I'm documenting all those little moments lately, there's so much I want to remember. I think it will give me a reason to play with paper and glue also! Thank you, wishing you a great year ahead too. xx

  9. That sounds fantastic Caroline, I can't wait to see your projects and DIY and Project Life looks pretty great too. I've been meaning to make a photobook for every year since my children were born and I am yet to start, so many pictures to look through and sort out!! I will start small though and at least make a 2014 album this year!
    Please add Make and sell postcards to your project list ;)! You are such a talented photographer, your compositions are so creative and beautiful, I am sure they would sell well!! No pressure ;)
    I hope you have a very happy and exciting year! xx

    1. Thanks Helene. Yes its hard to start isn't it. I feel I have a big gap in my scrapbooks from the last couple of years (I started before Elizabeth was born) but like you say, I'll just start in 2105 first and see if I can go back a little later.
      Aw thank you, that's so lovely to hear. I am hoping to start selling some this year in my shop - it's definitely on my list.
      Wishing you a wonderful year ahead also. xx

  10. i hope you have an wonderful and creative year, caroline! :) amazing photos as always, i especially love the feathers one! have you ever considered selling prints of your photos? i think people would love to have your lovely photos on their walls. i could see your 'collections' doing well!

  11. Your photos are just stunning, I honestly feel captivated looking at them. Youa re so very creative xx
