11 Mar 2015

Springtime Surprise Project...

A few weeks ago I signed up for Lucy's Springtime Surprise Project. I instantly loved the idea of joining in with this happy project . The aim was to bring a little Spring cheer to someone's day, by swapping a parcel of small gifts with a postal partner, chosen by Lucy. To celebrate the amazing connections we make with others on the Internet.

I was matched with my lovely swap partner, Laura, who blogs at We Made This Home, and also has the most beautiful Instagram feed. I so enjoyed putting my parcel together, seeking out bits and bobs I thought she might like. I completely forgot to take any pictures before I sent my parcel on it's way, though Laura has taken some beautiful photo's, which she has shared on her blog - do pop over and have a look.

I received the most wonderful package from Laura, containing lots of gorgeous goodies with some really sweet hand made touches. The pretty hand made envelopes contained seeds and treasures, like vintage buttons. I especially love the crochet garland she made, the colours are gorgeous, and the Fimo feather too. And how sweet is the little bird. It's all so very me!

Thank you soo much Laura, you certainly filled my day with Spring cheer. And thank you Lucy for organising such a great project.

Lucy will be organising a Summertime Surprise Project too - if you'd like to take part next time you can see more here! xx


  1. What a lovely idea, and such sweet thoughtful gifts. CJ xx

  2. Oh I am just blown away by this! You were both so creative and thoughtful with your parcels and it is wonderful to see that you have found each other online! Perfect partners and thank you so much for being part of the project xxxx

  3. I just love the crocheted garland, I agree the colours are so pretty!
