11 Apr 2015


Hello! Hope you all had a lovely Easter. Our was good, a mixture of adventures out and about and just spending time chilling at home. I've been trying to take my big camera along with me more over the holidays. I've got in to the habit of just relying on my phone, and whilst that's nice and easy it doesn't make for good blogging. I'd missed it too, I'll have to try a little harder to use it more.

I even took my old Kodak Duaflex along with me a couple of times. It still has a half used film inside. I often wonder what or who those pictures might be of, tucked away inside so many years later. I must look into getting it developed one day.

We went to Portchester Castle last week, the boy loved exploring there, bounding up all the steps leading to different rooms. Elizabeth hated it, getting increasingly scared the further up the castle we went. She just about made it to the top, holding on ever so tightly to my hand. I'm not sure if it was the dark rooms, the steep stairs or the old prison space that did it - either way she doesn't ever want to go back!

She did however love it at the forest of Bere, which we went to in the afternoon. They spent hours playing in the adventure playground filled with giant wigwams and play huts. We'll definitely be going back there another day.

I had a little play around making this giff of the dancing shadows in my bedroom. It's not great and I guess I should have used a tripod, but hey, its my first one! And finally, the kids hunting out chocolate eggs in the garden. Every year it gets a little harder to go and hide them all. They were on watch this year from the moment they got up, convinced they could see little paw prints on the window. I love how they look out for eggs for ages afterwards too, hoping one or two might have been missed on the day.

How was your Easter, did the bunny come? x


  1. The bunny visited here too. There was much excitement as it was Aobha's fifth birthday! She couldn't quite believe she was getting presents and chocolate eggs. Gorgeous photos as always! So glad to hear you've had a lovely break. Bee xx

  2. That looks like a lovely day out. The Easter bunny did indeed visit here too, in fact there are still a few mini eggs that haven't yet been discovered. CJ xx

  3. I dropped and broke my phone a few months ago so have been relying on an old fashioned phone, and while I've missed the ease of taking photos with a phone (and texting takes forever!!!), it has made me take my big camera out a lot more and I've really enjoyed trying to take better quality photos!
    Beautiful photos as always. I especially like the first one.
    The holidays have been a funny mix of cold and grey, rain and beautiful sunshine, wellies and short sleeves but it looks like spring is finally here! xx

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous! Love your pics as always. The Easter bunny made it around here too. We got the boys to check the front garden first while my husband quickly hid eggs in the back garden :-) x

  5. Hey Caroline,
    Love the giff very much. Explain giff please ;))
    Leanne xx

  6. So much fun and adventure and beautifully captured. I always question the reason why I take pictures but it's moments like these that leave those lasting memories. Xx
