29 Jul 2015

Summertime Surprise Project

A few weeks ago I signed up for the Summertime Surprise Project organised by Lucy. It's a really lovely project which aims to bring a little cheer to someones day, by swapping a small parcel of gifts with a postal partner, selected by Lucy. You might remember I joined in with the Springtime Surprise Project back in March.

I was matched with my lovely swap partner Janice, who has the most beautiful and colourful Instagram feed. I do love this project and had lots of fun choosing bits and bobs I thought Janice might like. Last week we both exchanged our parcel of goodies in the post and I was so excited to receive mine. All so carefully chosen in my favourite colours of mint and green. I just love the card of vintage buttons and the pretty stamps too. I'm inspired to collect some more now! And I cant wait to have a play around with these lovely Annie Sloan chalk paints.

Thank you so much for my wonderful parcel Janice, and a big thank you to Lucy for organising this wonderful project. x

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